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Sviluppiamo la nostra attività sulla vendita di veicoli commerciali ed industriali nuovi ed usati, anche con il servizio di noleggio a lungo termine
Via L. Carrara , 61 - Nembro (Bergamo) Italia
Tel: 0350010026
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P.IVA: 04615050160
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We are AzzolaTrucks. A recently established reality but with great objectives, which develops its business on the sale of new and used commercial and industrial vehicles, with experience, professionalism and innovation.
Via L. Carrara , 61 - Nembro (Bergamo) Italia
Tel: 0350010026
Fax: 035 523796
Ⓒ 2022 Azzola Trucks | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy
P.IVA: 04615050160